The standard and common way to say Happy Birthday in Korean is by saying saengil chukhahaeyo which you would use when you are saying Happy Birthday to a person with whom you are not so close.
How to say happy birthday sister in korean. If you only want to learn one way of how to say happy birthday in. Many Korean verbs are made up of a noun plus the verb 하다 hada which means to do and this verb 축하하다 is one those verbs. I hope your birthday contains only warm fuzzy and pleasant memories.
Happy bday to the greatest sister in law. How to say happy birthday in Korean formally is 생신을 축하드립니다. May God bless you with joy and love on your birthday and every day.
A scintillating year awaits. You can use this phrase when saying happy birthday in Korean to someone that is much older than you. The basic expression that means happy birthday is 생일 축하하다.
The 100 happy birthday sister.
You can never go wrong in a formal way of communicating with people. It uses the formal words for birthday.
You are an amazing sister. 60 happy birthday grandson quotes.