One thinks of the interstellar spaces of the colossal reaches of the now mythical ether.
Example of hyperbole used. A boring story can come to life or become comical with the use of a hyperbole. Another common example is I told you to do this a million times Is the teacher is always shouting a hyperbole. One could throw in France.
My feet are killing me. Hyperbole is used in language every day. See hyperbole examples in literature from some of the greats like Shakespeare and Harper Lee.
A statement that is a deliberate exaggeration to emphasize that something is far better or far worse is a hyperbole. Examples of the use of hyperbole Some examples are given below. My dad will kill me when he comes home.
Hyperbole is a rhetorical and literary technique where an author or speaker intentionally uses exaggeration and overstatement for emphasis and effect. Another example of hyperbole which can be seen in poetic writing is as follow. Modern Examples of Hyperbole.
Hyperbole may be used in a figurative language to overexpress what someone is saying in such an example as I almost died from laughter The speaker did not literally almost die but using this hyperbole they are expressing that they laughed a great deal. This package weighs a ton. Im so hungry I could eat a horse.
That plane ride took forever. In the poem Africa My Africa by David Diop the line that black blood that irrigates the field is a hyperbolic statement. It is said to mean the effort and the toil of the black Africans.