Abby Holland Abigail Arcane Cable Holland Vertigo.
Superhero names that start with b. Joss Whedon Stars. Marvel H umanoid E xperimental R obot B -type I ntegrated E lectronics. Some amazing creative superhero name for everyone who is a fan of superheroes.
1 25 28 31 33 list stats leaders vote Vote print comments. Aayla Secura Aayla Secura LEGO Star Wars. Aaroniero Aaroniero Arruruerie Bleach.
With all the decades of superheroes that have passed going from the Golden Age of the 1940s with Batman Captain America Wonder Woman and the original Green Lantern to the Silver Age of the 1950s and 60s with the Flash the Fantastic Four and the Amazing Spider-Man some specific conventions for hero names have evolved and weve done our best to follow these strange and surreal rules when constructing our hero name. BElanna Torres BElanna Torres Star Trek. ASharad Hett ASharad Hett SWL.
This helped me a lot since Im making a comic so I have a few names for you to add. Find the most popular baby boy names that start with the letter B including Baxter and Bobby and choose a name thats right for your new baby boy. Browse through Super Hero Names starting with B.
Halflife Marvel An Extraterrestrial Alien. This category contains selected names that are suitable for super hero names as suggested by our administrators and your fellow fans. Batman Beast X-Men Blizzard Iron Man Bishop X-Men Black Cat Spider-Man Black Panther Avengers Blue.
Benzoate Ostylezene Bicarbonate MVsA. Batman DC Hero aka - The Caped Crusader The dark knight The Worlds Greatest Detective. Super Hero Names Directory with a listing of super hero names starting with B such as Balder comics and Buffyverse.