Molly is a familiar form English and Irish of the name Mary English.
Molly name variations. Molly as a girls name is of Irish origin and is a pet form of Mary meaning star of the sea. Martin MTN Mart Martinus Marten Marty Mt Martini. Over the past several decades.
Molly currently has 1402 likes and is in the top 1 of liked girls names. Kim as a nickname for Kimberly is fairly straightforward but Polly as a nickname for Mary and Peggy as a nickname for Margaret have tripped up many researchers. Molly originated as a diminutive of Mary spawning from medieval variations Malle and Molle.
Nicknames can sometimes be difficult to catch however. These are farm-raised mollies from the origin of Singapore. In the past moll had meant a prostitute or a gangsters girlfriend making the use of this name uncommon until now.
Mgt Mag Maggie Margt Mags Meg Peg Peggy Marguerita Margarita Madge. Numerous spelling variations of the surname Molly are preserved in these old documents. Prominent varying forms of Molly 158 LAST YEAR are Mary 126 Malia 254 Mollie 1125 Moira 1606 May 1645 Marlo 1980 Mallie Marla and Polly.
The name of the Biblical Virgin Mary. In 1880 May was the more popular form but today its Mae. Today theyre more commonly used on their own and many people are unconscious that there ever was a Mary connection.
See also SG variant Màili. Molly has 17 variations that are used in English and other languages. Màili Mary May Molly.