Enctypemultipartform-data is very important option to send data to server this will not encoded form-data before sent to server as like applicationx-www-form-urlencoded its using MIME stream to sent form-data from client to server.
Example of multipart form data. Then you specify the media type of request data. It is an HTTP POST request sent with the request body specially formatted as a series of parts separated with MIME boundaries. Namefield1 value1 --boundary Content-Disposition.
Ie other than HTML. Strings objects in JSON format and binary data. Un exemple du résultat peut être trouvé dans la spécification HTML 4.
Each part is described by its own header. This form encoded option is needed when you are sending file data from client to server like file upload. The value for this in the example above is generated by the browser but the user can very well define it as well say for example boundarysidtheslothboundary.
An example piece of HTML would look like this. A form using the multipartform-data content type. Cuál es la diferencia entre los patrones Data mat-form-field no es un elemento conocido.
Multipartform-data est nettement plus compliqué mais il permet dinclure des fichiers entiers dans les données. Namefoo foo ----arbitrary boundary Content-Disposition. Boundary----arbitrary boundary ----arbitrary boundary Content-Disposition.
Below the media type put the schema keyword to indicate that you start describing the request payload. A multipart formpost is what an HTTP client sends when an HTML form is submitted with enctype set to multipartform-data. But it also has another value boundary.