Annotated Image as per Ben Captioned Image.
What is the text below a picture called. How do you describe a photo. You can click on it to get more information. I am making my pageresponsive for the screen size max-width.
If you click on the text below the image you will see that it is a caption for from CIS 3270 at Georgia State University. What is the descriptive text placed below as object called. What is the term for the words that appear below a picture.
Aug 20 2012. I have a fast question and that is I have a picture and I would like to type text under it. Adjust Word Text Wrap with Layouts.
He has her vote. If the image is too large you need to just reduce the image size a bit so as to accommodate the text next to it. Can someone please tell me Step by Step.
Callef or plaque is another name for words under a picture. A picture of chromosomes is called a karyotype. A calligram is an image formed by treating typography as brush strokes.
What do you call the text which is placed below a picture in a newspaper. Played 0 times. Heres a JSFiddle demonstrating the issue.