Font color is used to set the text color using font tag with the color attribute in HTML document.
What is font color tag in html. Following is the attributes color. The tag defines the font characteristics. In this chapter you will learn about the primary tag and its importance.
The attribute is used with the HTML. Since this tag was removed in HTML5 it is recommended that you use CSS properties such as font font-family font-size and color to format the text in the document. Set the color of the font.
With the help of a font tag one can make a web pages size color and face in the same text format. Font size and color The use of this element is deprecated. This is known as inline CSS.
How to Change Text Size and Text Color in the HTML Tag. Font color is green Specify hexcolor 008000. The Color attribute specifies the color of the text inside a Font tag.
The HTML color Attribute is used to specify the text color inside the element. The HTML element defines the font size color and face for its content. You can change the font size of the text using CSS property font-size.
Set font size in px or em. HTML Font Tag plays a significant role in developing more user-friendly websites and increasing content readability. Color can be specified either with its name or with its hex code.