When you get bored at work….
Meme bored. In economic history and a long and successful career in uk academia. You have to endure it and just wish that it’ll pass soon. Who can ever get bored playing video games?
I am sure right now you are in that moment, and that’s why you are here. The problem is that it can. You should definitely check this one out.
While circumstances don't make us feel very. Tons of music and sounds at your grasp! 51 funny memes for bored individuals.
Do you find yourself saying any of the above? Start the week off with a fresh batch of funny pics and memes. Boredom isn’t easy to deal with.
Ever wanted to just sit down and enjoy some memes? The best this is the palace of boredom cures, where you go after school, at school, at work, not at work to cure boredom. All the memes you could ever need!
Go in it and be bored as fuck. 50+ memes for the bored and uninspired. Just please let something happen.