Every day, though, snapchat’s slang lexicon adds new acronyms.
Wtm meaning snapchat. This is a short and informal way of asking your friend on snapchat if they are doing okay. Whether you’re on snapchat, instagram, or tiktok, or having a casual text. Another meaning of wtm on snapchat is “what’s the matter”?
What’s the matter is a phrase that is used to ask someone what is wrong and to ask. It is a way of. In slang also it means the same as it means on snapchat.
This is used more often in people's public stories or on snapchat spotlight posts. Along with smh, another popular snapchat saying is sfs. Some even use it to indicate that they are sad or annoyed.
Sfs is short for 'shoutout for shoutout.'. Wtm tn means “what’s the move tonight,” and it’s a variation of the classic wtm, which directly aims at knowing the “plans” that another snapchatter has that same night specifically. Wtm is most frequently used to stand for “what’s the move?”, which means “ what’s the plan?” or “what are we going to do?”.
Lol, ttyl, and tc are slangs that have been around for a while and are now widely understood. Wtm can mean what’s the move?, what’s the matter?, or whatever that means n snapchat, instagram, facebook, twitter, tiktok, and other popular social media platforms. Wtm is often used with the meaning whats the move as a way of asking whats the plan or.
Usually, not all slangs have multiple meanings on. Wtm, meaning want to match, is a text acronym that you use when asking someone if they want to put half and half of the dank in a bowl or blunt (or any smoking device). Wtm stands for “what the matter?” and is used as a way to ask someone what is wrong when they send a text that doesn’t make sense.