The -webkit-text-size-adjust is an experimental technology specifies a size adjustment for displaying text content in Safari on iPhone.
What is webkit-text-size-adjust. None auto. -moz-text-size-adjust -webkit-text-size-adjust and -ms-text-size-adjust. Please be patient with me.
-moz-text-size-adjust -webkit-text-size-adjust and -ms-text-size-adjust. Specifies a size adjustment for displaying text content in Safari on iPhone. The text size is not adjusted.
La propriété text-size-adjust permet de contrôler lalgorithme damplification du texte sur certains appareils mobiles. Tous les moteurs prenant en charge cette propriété nautorisent pas lutilisation dune valeur en pourcentage par. It takes 3 type of value.
The text-size-adjust property allows web authors to disable or modify this behavior as web pages designed with small screens in mind do not need it. The text size is automatically adjusted for Safari on iPhone. Its recognizable on Apples mobile device and is used to keep the text size.
Get code examples like -webkit-text-size-adjust react instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension. -webkit-text-size-adjust的用法如下 1当样式表里font-size. All page writers should know that the minimum font.
I taught myself HTML back in the 90s and picked up some CSS several ye. When a font is not available the browser uses the second specified font. La propriété CSS -webkit-text-size-adjust permet de déterminer comment la taille de la police est ajustée par rapport à sa taille initiale.