Bat an animalsports equipment.
Examples of homonyms names. Can you throw these cans in the trash. You have to teach him that getting wreak is not a good thing. Understand it with examples.
Some common examples of homophones including the words used in a sentence are. They have the same pronunciation Bat and theyre both spelled B-A-T. Some references use the term Homonyms more broadly to refer to homographs words spelled the same as each other but pronounced differently or homophones words spelled differently but pronounced the same.
100 Examples Of Homonyms With Sentences. For example Bear and Bear. He say he can draw these pictures.
Words that have different spellings and meanings but have the same pronunciation are called homonyms. Bow to incline type of knot. Dessert is a standard reference to the sweets that are consumed at the end of the meal while the term - Dessert refers to a barren land or to abandon something.
He cannot bear the Pain. Similar QuestionsWhat is homonyms with example sentenceWhat are the 2 types of homonymWhat are the 20 examples of HomographWhat word has the most homonymWhat are 100 homonyms exampleWhat are the 20 examples of homonymWhat are the 30 examples of homonymWhat are homonyms give 2 exampleWhat are homophones give 5 exampleHow many homonyms are. My arm is painting.
For example Bat meaning an object used to hit a ball and Bat meaning a a nocturnal flying mammal are homonyms. Homographs are words that are spelt the same but have different meanings. Because of this its.