Question 1 2 out of 2 points What is the proper in-text citation for the following journal.
What is the proper in-text citation for the following journal. Infancy through Adolescence 11th ed New York Mc Graw-Hill. Styles of thinking abilities and academic performance Exceptional children 633 1997. Electronic recording of Study Resources.
When an article has twenty-one or more authors list the first nineteen authors followed by three spaced ellipse points. Is this correct In-textPapalia Olds Wendkos Feldman Duskin 2008 p. For direct quotations include the page number as well for example.
Olds Wendkoss S Feldman Duskin R. A Last name B. 1961 0 votes.
Sullivan 2005 strongly advises to record all custodial interrogations. What is the proper in-text citation for this source that has this many authors. 1961 general-biology 0 Answers.
In-text Citation Basic Format. In the in-text citation include the authors last name and the page number. This preview shows page 2 - 4 out of 7 pages.
Asked Feb 8 in Biology Microbiology by Noemie. 1127 to 1144 Volume number. Title of Journal Volume number issue number if available pagesExample.