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What happens when u punch someone in the face. It is illegal to punch someone unless you had no choice and had to do so in self defense. If the temple is accurately targeted the punch will cause the brain to swing violently against the skull lining causing a blackout. We rarely see the man.
A blow to the face area could cause disfigurement 2. A blow at the junction of head and neck possibly severing the spinal cord 2. They may or may not lose consciousness and for a time their cognitive functions might be impaired.
You know youre boxing but being punched in the face is just not something were used to. First it only takes a few pounds of pressure to break a persons nose anywhere from 7-9 pounds which youre more than capable of delivering. If I punch someone in the face what could happen.
You have until the count of 10. A punch to the head can also lead to unpleasant symptoms such as headaches and impaired senses that can last for days or longer writes Scientific American. Scientifically speaking a light punch to the nose goes a long way.
Once that Honeymooners style haymaker that you thought was going to end the show misses the mark youre basically in optimum punch me in the face position even if only for a second. Could manifest tomorrow could be 15 years down the line when you suddenly have a maw full of blackened hillbilly tooth stumps. Face-punching in movies and TV shows is as clichéd as the angry police chief and the one-handed cliff grab.
The first thing you experience is outright shock. You should do nothing and wait a day to see if you want to punch that person because you may regret it after. If you want to buy something expensive you should wait a day to see if you still want it.