The Mid-Unit 1 Assessment.
Text dependent questions part 2 abolition answers lesson 4. Reading Aloud and Rereading for Gist. Teacher created see Teaching Notes Document camera Created by Expe. Lessons 3 4 and 5 all rely on texts from Webisode 5.
Industrial Organic Food Chain. This week as promised Ill provide examples of TDQs based on a second-grade text and we will follow up with more examples for middle and high school in the future. Those texts are included with the supporting materials.
Teacher created see Teaching Notes Document camera Created by Expeditionary. Refugee and Immigrant Children. Read the Text-Dependent Questions for Paragraphs 16 - 21 and for Paragraphs 23 - 26 and consider what answers you hope to see students write.
In this lesson students dig deeper into Paragraphs 12-14 in order to answer text-dependent questions. Paragraph 1 Text-Dependent Questions Part B. Students analyze the interaction between the two characters.
Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 4IB6 4IB7 4IB8 4IC12. Important points in the lesson itself. Paragraph 4 of Refugee and Immigrant Children.
Paragraphs 2 and 3 Text-Dependent Questions Part A. After were are done reading I will give the students time to reflect and answer the following question. Students will closely read the excerpt from Chapter 6 in which Lyddie gives Ezekial a runaway slave the money she has been saving.