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Priya english word meaning. What does the name Priya mean. Other Priya Meanings in English include Mistress Paramour Sweetheart and Woman etc. A piece of ground for growing flowers etc.
IndiaDicts Malayalam to English Dictionary. Other Priya Meanings in English include Candy Caramel Carbohydrate Dextrose Fructose Glucose Lactose Levulose Maltose Saccharin Sucrose Sweetener Xylose and Saccharose etc. It is used to show two opposite statements.
My fathers answer is final. Extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns and associations.
It is derived literally from the word priya meaning beloved. The meaning of Priya is beloved. It is derived from Sanskrit origins.
Priya means something in Hinduism Sanskrit Marathi Hindi. The name Priya is a girls name of Sanskrit origin meaning beloved. The different meanings of the name Priya are.
In Hindu texts the name is often used to denote a lover or a wife.