What we now want is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth and the elimination of egoism and pride which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife.
Nikola tesla motivational quotes in hindi. This new world should be the world in which the strong wont exploit the weak the bad wont exploit the good where the poor wont be humiliated by the rich. Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment Nikola Tesla. In this article we shared Best Nikola Tesla quotes.
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Nikola Tesla quotes in hindi and short biography. Short motivational videoshortsshorts motivationyoutube short motivational statusyoutube shorts motivationmotivational videoshort motivationmotivationyoutube.
Nikola Tesla Quotes in Hindi. Quotes tagged as apple Showing 1-30 of 120 Heres to the crazy ones.
Pin On 2013 Company Quote Posters. When they call you crazy remember that great ideas dont come from average minds.
The ones who see things differently. Nikola Tesla Motivational Quotes. Great physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla Modern AC Alternate Current is known as the father of the power supply system.