Name deleted from voter list.
My name in voter list is missing. Citizens can visit NVSPs Electoral Search. Create a message type EPIC space Your Voter ID number and send to 7738299899. This slip along with a photo ID proof recognised by the Election Commission can act as a voter card.
Search your name in Voter List by EPIC number Enter the EPIC number in the box. 2 Here you can search for your name on the voter list by two methods 3. In order to check if you have successfully enrolled yourself in the voter list follow these steps.
If the resident fails to get the voter slip they can check online or call the helpline to find out. 4 The EPIC number is mentioned in bold letters on your voter identity card. Sign up to obtain a username and password.
My name is missing from the voter list for GHMCElections2020. National Electoral Search. Voting date is 13052009.
What should you do if your name isnt on the voters list. Election name missing in voter list My name is Nitu Bagri and has been casting vote since 2002. Visit the website wwwecinicin.
Reasons for names missing from the voters list. To search your name on electoral roll online you can either log on to the NVSP portal or Delhis Chief. Despite the detection of missing names on the newly compiled voters register the Electoral Commission EC has assured that no qualified voter will be disenfranchised in the 2020 polls.