Lorelai Name Meaning

Lorelai Name Meaning

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Lorelai Name Art Print

Lorelai Name Meaning Origin Popularity Girl Names Like Lorelai Mama Natural

Lorelai Name Meaning Origin Popularity Girl Names Like Lorelai Mama Natural

Meaning Of Lorelai This Is A Common English Respelling Of Lorelei Which Is A Germanic Name Derived From An Older Name That Meant Luring Rock

Meaning Of Lorelai This Is A Common English Respelling Of Lorelei Which Is A Germanic Name Derived From An Older Name That Meant Luring Rock

The Meaning Of Lorelai Name Meanings

The Meaning Of Lorelai Name Meanings

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The meaning of Lorelai is alluring.

Lorelai name meaning. You can never go wrong with a friend like Teagan. German romantic poets and songwriters beginning with Clemens Brentano in 1801 tell that a maiden named the Lorelei lives on. Its double role as the mother and daughter -- and even grandmother -- on TVs The Gilmore Girls modernized humanized and popularized a name previously associated with the mythic seductive siren and the gold digger portrayed by Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.

In Germanic legend Lorelei was a beautiful siren who sat upon a rock in the Rhine River and lured sailors to shipwreck and death. Second it could be derived from the Germanic lauern meaning to lurk or lie in wait along with the aforementioned Celtic word for rock. It is of German origin.

Lorelei as a girls name is pronounced LOR-a-lye. What does Lorelei mean. Lorelai is generally used as a girls name.

The most AMAZING girl will ever meet. Lorelai is a different spelling variation on Lorelei mostly used by Americans. Legends say that a maiden named Lorelei lived on the rock and lured fishermen to their deaths with her song.

Lorelai Origin and Meaning The name Lorelai is a girls name. Lorelai Gilmore main character in the tv show The Gilmore Girls Different Spellings of the name Lorelai. From the Old German lureln murmuring plus the Celtic term ley rock.

She has the most radiant personality you will find. The meaning of Lorelai is Murmuring rock. Derived from Lurlei the name of the rock ambush cliff which is derived from the Middle High German luren to watch and lei a cliff a rock.

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