Arent is the short form of are not.
List ten example of homophones. For the chylekilekyle homophones. 270 Common Homophones List 1 Ad Add 2 Ball Bawl 3 Caret Carrot 4 Dual Duel 5 Eye I 6 Flew Flu 7 Gorilla Guerrilla 8 Hour Our 9 Knew New 10 Mail Male 11 Nice Niece 12 Overdo Overdue 13 Pain Pane 14 Plain Plane 15 Real Reel 16 Sax Sacks 17 Tail Tale 18 Vain Vane. Below is a commonly confused homophones list with example sentences for ESL teachers and English students.
Theyre coming home after a year. You probably know about the animal called a bear but the word bear can also be a verb that means to tolerate. Your friend gave me a nice compliment yesterday.
Thanks to Ann A. All Ready -Already 5. Researchers have discovered that a childs memory for words is not entirely or even principally rote.
This shop is open all days except Monday. To make it on to this particular list there had to be at least two homophones that are in everyday usage. List of Homophones with Examples.
This restaurant does not accept checks. Homophones sound the same but have different meanings and have different spellings too. Words that sound the same but have different meanings and usually different spellings.
Homophones Examples of homophones homophone words List of Homophones - Homophones meaning - Examples of homophones and homophone wordsWords that have the. Understand it with examples. If you sell drugs you will get arrested and end up in a prison cell.