Jesus Christ Quotes and Thoughts in Hindi जसस करइसट क अनमल वचर ईस य यश मसह य जजस करइसट इबरन.
Jesus christ quotes in hindi. Top 10 Quotes On Jesus Christ in Hindi. A list of popular Hindi Jesus Christ quotes are given below.
Jesus Christ जसस करइसट.
You must love your neighbor as yourself.
And know that I am with you always. Jesus Christ Quotes In Hindi.
He calls for liberating Jesus from the church and the clergy. Jesus Christ जसस करइसट.
Quotes of Jesus Christ in Hindi म मरग ह सतय ह और जवन ह मर पस आय बन कई ईशवर तक नह पहच सकत ह. You shall not commit adultery you shall not kill you shall not steal you shall not covet and so on are summed up in this single command. Jesus Christ Quotes In Hindi Jesus Christ Thoughts Lines ईस मसह क शकषओ और अनमल वचन Jesus Christ Quotes In Hindi Jesus Christ Thoughts Lines.