Open messenger on your phone, and press on the friend you wish to block.
How to tell if your blocked on messenger. If you’ve been blocked, you won’t see anything. You can find this option on the left side of the. If you are still friends, you are not blocked on facebook.
An unfilled, empty circle means the message has not been sent. Then send a message to that. To start, open messenger and find the person you want to block.
If it doesn’t come through immediately, that. To find out if somebody blocked you on facebook, you can log in to your facebook account, then go to your friend’s list. If you're blocked on facebook, you're also blocked on.
Open the messenger app on your device and type in your friend’s name in the search bar. To know if someone is active on messenger: Facebook messenger is a very popular.
Press on the photo of the person on the top. This is typically because you don't have any internet access when. There are four such icons:
Send them a message from your account first. Or type their name in the. Tap on your friend’s name when it appears and type in a message to.