In little alchemy, there is only one step remaining to make tree.
How to make treein little alchemy. Little alchemy 2 cheats is the best complete source of step by step cheats and walkthrough hints for little alchemy 2. Tree is an element that can be found in little alchemy. < back to items list
In “little alchemy 2,” you must. You’re going to make mud. 2 air + fire = energy.
How to make tree in little alchemy. Combinations, find out how to make combos, and what elements make. Light bulb + tree 2.
How to make christmas tree in little alchemy? Here are some complex element combinations that will allow you to make the tree element in little alchemy 2. Watch this video on youtube!.
2 earth + fire = lava. Tree is a very valuable item in little al. Combine the elements of earth and water.
Combine the elements of air and air. Little alchemy 2 step by step cheats! In little alchemy, here’s how to make a god.