Working on your tumbler off the spinner and being able to put it back on without having to touch it is a pretty.
How to epoxy a tumbler without a turner. Pour 5ml of a side in one of the measuring cups and 5ml of b side in the other. For my 20oz tumbler, i used 10ml of epoxy for each of the epoxy layers. Add a vinyl decal if desired.
Pour it into the mold and let it set. Using the spray paint of your chosen color,. Dollar tree pencil caddy, toy baton, football, and a dish scrubber
Sand the edges of your paperweight until it’s smooth enough to be a pen holder. A cup turner gives the advantage of slowly and constantly. Set up your tumbler turner.
Add two coats of clear. Spray paint the tumbler with your desired color (s) and let dry. I use faux rizzle for my cups.
Oct 18, 2020 · you’ll want to make sure the epoxy tumbler turner is spinning your. How to apply epoxy without a cup turner. Because mixed resin is fluid, you must keep your tumbler moving while the resin is wet.
I didnt have a mask on and people are killing me in the comments, i suppose i figured adults would. Post applying glitter and making sure it is dry, mount the tumbler on the cup turner. Hanging method don’t boggle your mind on how to epoxy a tumbler without a tumbler turner.