There should be no more than twenty names in the citation.
How to apa cite a journal article with multiple authors. Authors Last Name First Initial. Retain the order of authors as listed in the article- even if its not alphabetical. In-text citations when there are multiple authors.
In-Text Citation Quotation. Journal Article with Three or More Authors For a work with three or more authors include only the first author followed by a comma and the words et al and ending ith a period. If a journal article has a Digital Object Identifier DOI listed you will always include this identifier in your reference as a URL.
Then end with the final authors name do not place an ampersand before it. How to cite a journal article apa 7th edition with multiple authors. Please see the examples provided.
Authors Last Name Authors Last Name year In-Text Citation Direct Quote. Author Surname First Name et al. Al year from the first use.
In parenthetical citations this structure includes placing the authors last namesurname followed by a comma and the publication year in parentheses. Commas separate author names. For more than 20 authors list the first 19 followed by an ellipses then list the final author.
Do not italicize or use quotation marks for the titles of articles. Journal Article with Three to Five Authors pp. Author Surname First Initial.