Here we have two vowels working side by side and together they create a sound different than anything O or I alone can produce.
Good example of diphthong. ReadDownload File Report Abuse. əʊ Like eɪ this diphthong moves from the half-close position to the close and back region. In this sense words that are written with two vowels but are pronounced as one do not constitute diphthongs.
It depends on the dialect but here are some common examples containing a glide at the. Sow oh both oa in. Examples in German ei ie eu aeu au English has many more diphthongs than our spelling would suggest.
The ow sound can be made with the following vowel pairs. Long A ur sound. For somebody who speaks English its a bit difficult to illustrate since nothing is phonetically written that well in English.
Beard weird fierce ear beer tear eə. Long E ur sound. Eɪ aɪ ɔɪ 3.
As English is a language of exceptions and certain eccentricities please note that the letters w and y can be classed as vowels when dealing with English diphthongs. Example of growing diphthongs. Late Kate day ai in.
A diphthong is a glide from one vowel sound to another within a single syllable eg the phoneme aɪ in the words I my or try. It should be noted that the diphthong is a phonetic phenomenon and not a graphic one. So the word I is actually a diphthong as well as being a single syllable.