99% will be discovered by the time tested “body core temp.
Fake thermometer. Ask him to close his mouth and then turn the thermometer on. Used to work in the industry, so it seriously wont be as accurate as ear thermometer for example. Fake finger temperature test prank.
How to fake a fever with thermometer? If you’re trying to convince someone you have a favorite you may need. There are units that have.
Yep, good old rectal temperature test! Zhang xuandong, owner of haofeng electronic technology co. Heat your forehead first and.
Felixcaesar studied doctor of medicine author. Finger scanner and random results. Place the thermometer close to a source of heat.
Writer jennifer zeng posted this thread on twitter. Or just trying to fake it. Finger scanner and random results.
Boss or even your teacher. Start the test by placing your finger on the scanner. Hold it there for around.