One sixth of men with full-time jobs preferred to work part time.
Example of job preference. Take 10 minutes time yourself to brainstorm a list of jobs you would like to do. Originalityvalue This is the first CE conducted on business and economics students job preferences in three European countries. City state zip code.
Finding a Job. Understanding your work preferences will help you target your job search efforts to jobs that suit you. Sample Do You Have a Geographic Preference Interview Answers.
People with this preference often seek work relating to academic research medical facilities scientific computer-related or law enforcement. Sess do not permit the use of the veterans preference on a competitive entrance examination for covered public employment by a veteran who has claimed a similar preference and has thereby been previously appointed to a position which is subject to that statute even though the employment thus. Most people find work more satisfying when it fits within their own personal style and preferred ways of operating and living life.
Jobs View All Jobs. Do I prefer working alone or in a team. Am I more practical eg.
Using the same survey instrument allows for the comparison. Is there a particular job ad that has drawn your interest. The students least likely to agree were those in forestry.
Am I more suited to analytical or creative activities. Do I prefer being outdoors or inside. Part-time job seekers may list up to three job preferences and submit their curriculum vitae.