Size of label border in mm.
Example of geom_label_repel. Ggplot t aes x Env y nGt fill nRpl geom_col geom_label_repel aes y lPos label nRpl pointpadding NA Error in convertUnit x unitTo x dimension x dimension valueOnly valueOnly. To add labels at specified points use annotate with annotategeom text or annotategeom label. Libraryggrepel p geom_label_repelaeslabel state You can customize the colors fonts and other arguments the same way as with geom_text or geom_label.
The text labels repel away from each other and away from the data points. Examples geom_nodetext_repel example if require network require sna n. In this post we will see how to add labels or annotations to select data points such that the labels dont overlap with each other.
Align labels on the top or bottom edge. Geom_text_repel geom_label_repel Text. Do not repel labels from data points.
Alignment with hjust or vjust. Obviously labels do have height and width but they are physical units not data units. Limit labels to a specific area.
See the package examples for more use cases. The position coordinates of labels are marked by points. This page showcases these extensions.
1 unlabeled data points too many overlaps. Note that the width and height of a text element are 0 so stacking and dodging text will not work by default and axis limits are not automatically expanded to include all text. The example is shown in the following plot.