English female names meaning brave. Persian unisex - Brave - PREWITT. English female name means Brave - TRACY. Enid UPPER 22 Enedina 41 and Eneida 59 are common first names.
4 more Kendra. This name has English roots and means brave and a noble warrior. 4 more Gerardine Derivative of Old English.
8 Ricarda Daring Power. 103 rows EnglishFrenchGermanGreekItalianMedieval EnglishPortugueseSwedish. Gerrardene Gerarda Geradine.
Bernadette Strong and brave as a bear a German name fitting for your sturdy girl. Saint Gebhard was a 10th-century bishop of Constance. Mackenzie is of Irish and Gaelic origin and the meaning of Mackenzie is fire-born.
Aesira - This Islamic name for girls means brave powerful fighter Ailith - A beautiful Old English option this name means warrior. Indian male - Brave - SAHAS. All over the world cultures have names that mean warrior woman Try one of these beautiful options.
Navajo Name Meaning All War. Usage of Kendra as a childrens name has. Names Ceneric meaning bold power and.