Slant the mezuzah slightly with its’.
Correct way to hang a mezuzah. If the doorpost is too narrow to position at an angle, it is okay. The mezuzah should be hung inside the door frame on the right side as you enter the house or the room. Sephardim should place the mezuzah upright [fig.20.9].
Sephardim place the mezuzah vertically. Put the parchment letther in front of mezuzah case “shin”. There is then, as you mention, a disagreement between rashi and rabeinu tam about what a bolt looks like.
Asks how the congregation is doing. Place the rolled mezuzah in a protective covering like wax paper to protect the parchment. The mezuzah should be placed on a slight slant so that the top is directed toward the room one is entering [fig.20.8].
It should be affixed to the inside upper third of the right side of the door frame (also. In the upper third of doorpost height (shoulder high). When we hang a mezuzah we say a blessing, or a bracha.
If the doorway is especially high,. Its height should be just above the two thirds mark of the doorpost (about shoulder high). A mezuzah is affixed on the right doorpost, approximately, at the bottom of the top third of the doorpost.
It should be placed at a slight angle, with the top of the mezuzah pointing toward the. “truthfully,” i say, as i open the dishwasher and stack sticky plates, one next to the other, in the bottom rack, “i’m beginning to wonder if i should quit. It should be affixed to the doorpost on the right hand side of a person entering the room.