Derived from Sanskrit origins.
Baby names end with nie. Variant transcription of Ourania. Baby girl names ending with y ie i sound v Im having my fourth baby girl on the 14 still have no name. Girl names with the letters X andor Z have a distinctive edge to them.
Servant of the independent one. In 2018 1 -nie name listed among the top 1000 with a usage of 0013. Variation of Mantrana.
Rare as a baby girl name. Abbie - Aimie Abigail Abbie Adalia Adalie Adela Adalie Ada Adie Adamina Addie Addie Adelaide Addie Adeline Edelie Adelie Adrienne Adrie Emily Emmilie Avery Avrie Agatha Agie Agnes Nessie Aggie Eilidh Ailie Aileen Ailie Ailie Alice Ellie Amy Ammie. Language of origin is Sanskrit.
Based on Greek element. Baby Names. It should of some use to anyone thinking about choosing a name for a baby or interested in finding out what their own name means.
Variant of Mantrana. Browse All Baby Names A-Z Baby Name Idea Lists First Names By Origin. Browse All Last Names A-Z Last Names by Origin.
Top Names for Girls. Rarely used as a baby name for boys. Girl Names Ending with -nie - Page 21.