Users who view stories appear in a “viewers list” for 24 hours after the story is live for the original poster to see.
Who views your instagram. However, if you have a business account, you can see how many people visited. With the help of the follower analyzer application, you will understand that who views your instagram profile, you can also see who views your instagram post for photos, if. How to see who views your instagram highlight covers?
Checking the stats on the number of times people have viewed your video or. From the instagram app, tap the profile icon at the bottom right. Find the reel that you want to check the.
“this grants you insights into the specific audience members who. If you’re interested in checking how many people viewed someone else’s instagram reel, follow the steps below: Using the follow insight app for insta, one can see all.
They’re all good options for you if you just have to know how many people or who’s looking at your instagram profile (and we don’t blame you, we also like to know who’s looking. Click on the 3 dot menu and then go to “insight”. Check instagram profile views professionally.
From your profile and instagram insights page. Also, you need to go to the profile tab at the very beginning. Instagram does not have a function that shows the instagram users who viewed your profile.
To check who viewed your instagram profile, use instagram insight: Follower insight for instagram app. To check your instagram followers: