La propriété text-decoration est utilisée pour décorer le texte en ajoutant une ligne pouvant être positionnée sous sur ou à travers le texte.
What is the default value of text-decoration property. Line-through Each line of. The CSS text-decoration property allows us to decorate text. Text Ecoration Default Value.
Defines a line under the text. None defines no text-decorationit means text will be normalIt is default value of text-decoration property. Sets this property to its default value.
Draws a horizontal line above the text. CSS text-decoration property sets the appearance of decorative lines on text. Sets this property to its default value.
Line-through a line through the text. Defines a line over the text. Line-through - The text will have a line drawn through the centre of it.
You must manually set actual default values -- No. None - Defines normal text with no decoration default. Because of the Designer Serialization.
Draws a horizontal line above the text. It doesnt work for autoproperties -- No Its only for decoration. Even though they dont strictly inherit the property they will be affected by it.