It just suggests laughter, or that something is funny or humorous.
What does kekw. Just like lol turned into lul, then lulz or omegalul, kekw is almost guaranteed to keep evolving as people feel the. What does kekw mean on twitch chat? Kekw is an emote that’s part of frankerfacez.
And especially when something is hysterically funny. It features spanish comedian/actor “el. Kekw is a combination of kek, which is the korean equivalent of lol, and the letter w, which twitch chat users often use to convey an exaggerated facial.
Kekw is a popular emote in twitch chat, which is often spammed when something hilarious takes place during a stream. The streamer is very often the focus of the laughter. Mainly, the emote is used to symbolise an extreme laughing fit.
There’s, however, a great background story to this widely used. This is a twitch emote that quickly become viral and added to the. Kekw is a frankerfacez emote that is used on twitch to represent laughter, when a funny moment occurs on stream.
Kekw is an emote created for the streaming website The clip of him laughing about a joke became viral on youtube. Whether ‘tis nobler to spam 4head at the sight of out.
Last year, during the 2020 pandemic, it became one of. What does the term kekw mean? The emote with the spanish laughing guy is part of the frankerfacez suite of twitch emotes.