Boys add the suffix Singh and girls add the suffix Kaur to the common names.
Hindu baby boy names starting with s in punjabi. For popular Punjabi baby boy names you can create names whose meanings may refer to traditional masculine livelihoods like soldiering and war. Meaning - LOVE FOR PATIENCE. All baby names are arranged alphabetically with their meanings and you can view it in English and Punjabi language.
Sikh Baby boy Names From A-Z. Aarman ਆਰਮਨ Hope or desire. Sikh Boy Names S.
Born during the Morning Hours 842 Sabir Smart. Rain during Monsoon Season. Name of Sultan Mahmoods Famous.
Bravery 1114 Siv Lord Shiva 3058 Som. Movement of Sun when the. We have a complete database of more than 20000 Punjabi boy and girl names to choose a cute baby name.
Absorbed in Gods Love. Sikh Boy Names S. Latest collection of Punjabi baby girl names starting with S with meanings for newborn babies.
Sachjog ਸਚਜਗ Absorbed in the. Name of Lord Shiva. Meaning - TRUE ELIXIR OF NAAM.