Company Letterhead Date Name.
Example of zoning letter. RARural Agriculture RCRural Conservation. Write the name of the zoning committee a few lines down left-justified followed by its address city state and ZIP code. SAMPLE ZONING LETTER The following language is to be on the letterhead of the appropriate governmental unit providing the zoning information.
Here is sample letter that can be customized and used to e-mailsend to City Council Planning Commission and LUZ Land Use and Zoning Committee Members. 10Comments a GeneralComments b ItemsBeyondtheScopeofthisReport c Surveyor. If you are planning to open a business at the property that you are requesting information for you will be required to obtain a Zoning Certificate of Occupancy approving the subject use.
Write a greeting two spaces below. 540 422-8220 _____ OFFICIAL NOTICE OF ZONING VIOLATION AND CORRECTIVE ORDER Notice Date. Concept within the approved R6 zoning.
You can write Dear Zoning Board Dear Zoning Committee Members or Dear Sirs or Mesdames followed by a colon. Dear Council I am writing to express my strong opposition to 2019-0317 the proposed rezoning at the northwest quadrant of Hodges Blvd and Butler Blvd. Height is also commonly restricted.
Sample letter for Notification of Variance. _____ Email Mail or Hand Deliver this signed letter to Jessica Henry. It takes into account the past history of the site as well as current zoning codes set forth by the municipality.
It is understood that this letter will be used by the Virginia Housing. Rental Production Division 3435 Broadway Kansas City MO 64111 RE. 7PropertySpecifications a Setbacks b Height c Area d Density e Parking.