An h our.
Example of words using a and an. Examples are used to exemplify and illustrate something. The rule dictates that if the first syllable is not stressed you can use an. General Rules Use a or an with a singular count noun when you mean one of many any in general Bob is a student one of many students.
The Vocabulary of Censorship. Ale ate grade made trade bake brake shake stake male sale vale game flame frame mane plane tape grape scrape chase gate grate plate skate paste taste waste brave shave blaze. An unforgettable experience.
Use the with any noun when the meaning is specific. Covid-19 Vocab Quiz. Additionally some words have the h sound at the beginning while it is silent in other words.
29 letter words containing an. A o ne-day conference. Use an with adjectives that begin with vowel sounds.
One example that I heard is. An example by definition is a noun that shows and mirrors other things. The key word here is sound.
Vaccine Vocabulary Quiz. Remember its about pronunciation. An example which I often use is.