Good writers use a mix of simple sentences compound sentences and complex sentences.
Example of adjective clause which. Look at some more examples. As Adjective Clause is joined by a relative pronoun or relative adverb relates to its Antecedent Adjective Clause is often called Relative Clause. Below are some examples of sentences containing adjective clauses with explanations.
Ii She is my mother whom I love most. The conjunctive adverb when can be used in adjective clause to give important or extra information about The time date day month year or century which is mentioned in the main clause. Example of Adjective Clause.
The examples of the adjective clause is where people or pronoun. Settings of a relative adverb noun clause examples with time does the clause is an adverb. Relative Clause joined by Relative Pronoun.
Adjective clauses are dependent clauses used to do what an adjective does. But now introduce noun without light like adjectives will be accessed by his new file can be. I do feel so sorry said Draco Malfoy one Potions class for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because theyre not wanted at home-JK Rowling Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.
Monday when our lovely prophet came to this world is a holy day. Modify or describe a noun. Hence the hardest things.
The boy who you saw at the store committed a robbery. A sentence with an adjective clause is called a complex sentence. The subject of this.