It means grace or fruitful and may have roots in Anahita the Persian goddess of fertility and healing.
Baby names unique and rare. Of course there are thousands upon thousands of unique names for baby girls. Cool categories of unique baby names include new word place and nature-inspired names uncommon international names. Unique baby names are more in demand than ever with over a quarter of babies now receiving rare names below the US Top 1000.
186 rows Names that are further down the list are usually more unique names wild. Short and Unique Baby Girl Names. If youre looking for a baby girl name thats short and sweet try one of these.
This is is derived from the Aleut word alaxsxaq which means the mainland. If youre looking for original or unusual boy names ones that will set your kid apart from the JakesJacksBens in his class and keep things interesting weve got you covered. The name was made famous by Anaïs Nin a French-Cuban-American writer as well as the Carachel perfume Anaïs Anaïs.
This rare name is often avoided by the parents because it sounds a little bit too powerful for a baby. This name is Greek and means of the sky. Naming babies is more complicated than one might think.
Branwen Like Bronwen except with more fiber in her diet Calico No comment. Classically Unique Baby Girl Names. These include Blue Banks Eleven Tilda and Winslet.
Unique boy names. The name is unique and serene sounding. Not even a meow Capucine A delicious frothy drink or a frothing rabid monkey.