The name Zoya means -.
Zoya name meaning in telugu. Zoya is a Muslim Girl name meaning of the name is Excellent from Persian or Telugu origin. Meaning of Zoya. Heres the list of 3055 Telugu Girl Names with their meanings.
Rhyming Names of Zoya. Zoya name numerology is 22 and here you can learn how to pronounce Zoya Zoya origin and similar names to Zoya name. Used in countryreligion.
Know Rashi Nakshatra Numerology Religion Gender Similar Names and Variant Names for name Zoya. For better usage and to keep it with you you can download the Telugu Baby Name app from google play. But if you dont like Zoya then please continue searching our site.
427 Abyan Very Clean. 1980 Kayan A Star. Greek Australian Russian Iranian Farsi Assamese Gujarati Kannada Marathi Telugu Muslim.
Uncommon newborn beautiful telugu names. Find Best baby girl names in telugu language with modern unique nicknames lord shiva telugu girl names starting with A to Z letter mo dha bha sri with meaning. Zoya meaning - Astrology for Baby Name Zoya with meaning Alive.
Shining and Number 4. Baby Name Girl Zoya. Zoya is a girl name with meaning Alive.