HenYes expression used by Ifá priests to confirm that.
Yoruba names starting with h. You can also click on the baby name to know more about that particular baby name with meanings. Name ifeoluwade meaning god with us. Name iles meaning messenger of the god.
153 Vivid Yoruba Girl Names And Their Meanings. Hadassah From the myrtle tree. Search Baby Names and Name.
Yoruba Girl Names Starting With W. Yoruba Names From A to Z. God Is The King.
Take a look at our alphabetical list and find girls names and boys names beginning with H. List of Yoruba baby names start with letter H and meaning. Name ilerioluwa meaning promise of god.
List Yoruba Baby Girl Names. Our extensive collection of Yoruba girl names with meanings from A-Z is interesting and unique. God Is Indeed The King Worth Of Praise.
People Wanted To Humiliate Me But God Does Not Allow It. Name ifelewa meaning beautiful love. List of Yoruba baby names start with letter N and meaning.