To give some examples Karen is associated with the kind of person who demands to speak to the manager in order to belittle service industry workers.
Who is karen i want to speak to your manager. 2007-2021 Literally Media Ltd. Well first of all have you been living under a rock for the past year. Well shes here in your office ready to annoy you.
Even though the lady doesnt work there. According to a popular meme Karen is a middle-aged white woman with an asymmetrical bob asking to speak to the manager who happens to be as entitled as she is ignorant. Karen wants to speak to your manager.
Not a Karen you understand but all Karens. Where Did Karen Come From. Karens like to say May I speak to your manager She is often seen at Starbucks or Costco in her blonde bob haircut.
Shes the annoying lady at the McDonalds counter who is crying bloody murder. Todays Karen sports a unique hairstyle you can spot miles away. What is a Karen.
In all seriousness though a Karen tends to be a middle-aged white mom who demands to speak with the manager at the smallest inconvenience. Another day another Karen demanding to speak to a stores manager over mask mandatesonly this time she is dismayed to discover shes been speaking to the manager. Know Your Meme can probably explain the Karen craze better than we.
By using this site you are agreeing by the sites terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. Every woman named Karen wants to speak to your manager right now and shell probably boast about her three kids whilst doing it. You know Sharon right.