Fungible tokens on Ethereum are represented using the ERC-20 standard while non-fungible tokens on Ethereum are represented using the ERC-721 standard.
Which token standard supports both fungible and non-fungible tokens in the same contract. In many ways it is pretty similar to ERC-20 in. A non-fungible token is a type of cryptographic token which has a specific uniqueness in its code or function compared to others of its kind. Recently in token standards news The team at Enjin have created ERC-1155 Crypto Items Token Standard.
Both Fungible and Non-Fungible tokens. Security tokens are designed to represent complete or fractional ownership interests in assets andor entities. ERC-1155 is a digital token standard created by Enjin that can used to create both fungible currencies and non-fungible digital cards pets and in-game skins assets on the Ethereum Network.
Smart Contracts and NFTs Smart contracts are self-executing agreements that are utilized by blockchain platforms to avoid the need for third-parties in facilitating transactions. ERC-1155 is the only token standard that enables you to create every type of asset from currency and real estate to digital art and gaming items. Likewise you can create the ERC721 token standard from Ethereum for your non-fungible token creation requirements.
ERC-1155 is developed by Enjinand supports both non-fungible tokens as well as fungible tokens. By using the Ethereum network ERC-1155 tokens are secure tradable and immune to hacking. NFTs are unique and non-interchangeable and they cannot be exchanged with another non fungible token of similar kind.
The things you buy are completely interchangeable with others of the same type and quantity. Fungible tokens on the other hand are easily divisible and the items can be divided into any number of units as long as their value remains the same and each token can be exchanged with another token with similar type and of the same value. Multiple Tokens Define and configure both fungible and non-fungible tokens in a single smart contract.
Session21ERC20 Token Standard Session22Testing ERC20 in Remix Session23ERC20vs721. You can buy them in any quantity even fractional. You can use Algorand to build an NFT and then divide it into any number of parts represented by fungible assets.