What is text color property.
Which property is used to set the color of the text. We can use the headings and other areas like footers etc. The background-color property in CSS is used to specify the background color of an element. Which of the following is the CSS property used to set the text color.
A - color B - direction C - letter-spacing D - word-spacing. The text-decoration-color property is used to set the color of the text decoration. Which type of selector is specified by placing a symbol in front of the selector name.
For example color of headings link paragraphs Divs list items etc. Note This attribute is not supported in HTML5. The background covers the total size of the element with padding and border but excluding margin.
Text-align property is used for aligning these in the web pages based on that additionally color property is added and used to set the colors of the given text specified the text with color name values like hexadecimal format also use RGB Red Green Blue format type in the CSS. Use the color attribute in HTML to display the color of the text. To apply a style to one or more of elements on a web page configure a CSS _____.
These color values are used with different HTML elements to set the foreground ie the text color or any particular elements background color. Text-color can be set by using the name red hex value ff0000 or by its RGB valuergb 255 0 0. We can specify values as standard color name rgb rgba hsl hsla and hexadecimal value.
The CSS color property is used to change the text color of an element. The colors can be applied to such decorations as overlines underlines and wavy lines in the scope of the value of this property. The color of the text can be set by using the color property.