Area code 478 was created in 2000 from split of area code 912.
Where is area code 478. Those phone numbers can be found in the following cities or. Select a city, country or timezone. Phone numbers in the 478 area code can be found in 48 cities or locations.
478 is a general purpose code. Below, are the major cities in the area code (478). Area code (401) area code (402) area code.
Area code (478) is in the state of ga. 478 is an area code located in the state of georgia, us. Location, time zone and map of the 478 area code.
Where can you find numbers in the 478 area code? Area code 478 belongs to georgia, united states. Aug 4, 2023 09:14 am.
This area code was assigned on october 1st, 1999. On august 1st, 2000 it went into service. Where is area code 478?
It is a general purpose code which was placed in service on aug 01, 2000. Find out 478 area code coverage, npa code 478 location. The 478 area code is located in the state of georgia.