Meanings and history of the name Tina.
What's the meaning of the name tina. What you see below is the Chinese name Tina composed of two characters. It consists of 4 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Ti-na. In addition to these names it is also used in Dutch as a diminutive of CATHARINA and in Croatian as a diminutive of KATARINA.
You can keep secrets and are a good diplomat. Tina will bring a smile to your face with every word and you. You desire to assume a leadership role where you can organize projects and be responsible for the systematic flow of work.
Image and text you can magnify. Tina is a common female given name. The baby name has since substantially fallen in popularity and is used only on a very light scale now.
Tina as a girls name is pronounced TEE-nah. Short form of Christina Martina and other names ending in tina. In Finland and Estonia the name is often written as Tiina.
Hebrew name Tina Teena. Tina See with your Heart. What does Tina mean.
Christina - A follower of Christ a Christian. What Does TINA Mean. Valentina - Strong and healthy.