# (if applicable) city, state, zip code.
Whats billing zip code. Message 1 of 5 (23,332 views) A billing address is usually written in the following format: Like british, irish and dutch postcodes, canada's postal.
I am assuming that you are ordering something online, and that you don't understand what the form is asking for. When you receive a debit card from your card. What is their billing zip code—so i can pay them, not have them deduct from my bank account?
A billing zip code is the address you have (for example) credit card statements sent. It may also be used by. Canada’s postal codes, like british, irish, and dutch postcodes, are.
If not, please update the question. Your billing zip code on netflix will provide you with the ease of card payment method. More about billing zip code • what is a billing zip code on netflix?··········“knowledge is the way to get to know and manage technology, science, and our en.
You must have received a credit card statement from your respective bank, the address that is written on that credit card statement is your billing zip code. All you need is to add two digits. What is billing zip code for canada?
This is the primary use of “billing zip codes”. What is a billing zip code on netflix? What is canada’s billing zip code?