Band Back Together a support website gives an example This is the worst thing.
What to say to a mother who has lost her child. To a recent widow God has more life for you now you need to get on with it And to moms who lost babies born and unbornfull term infant loss and still birth things like Well it was the. Dear Heavenly Father I know how much you love your precious daughter. Be aware of what might be happening in her mind and with her peers.
I am here for you during this time and want to express my deepest condolences for your loss. For a son or daughter who had a very happy relationship with his or her Mom reminders of the good times can create a sweet remembrance in time. So many people dont say anything because theyre afraid theyre going to say the wrong thing but theres really no.
It is important that she knows others also have not forgotten. I dont know what to do right now You may feel compelled to offer suggestions to set things right. I hope that youll be able to take comfort in your positive memories of her over time.
Allow him or her to express feelings without judgment. Remember that every relationship is unique so we dont think people should compare losses. The mother-son bond or father-son is something truly special and I know just how close you were with insert deceased individuals name.
Tell stories about the day the moments the person. Tell me about your Mom. 1 They need to feel like their childs life was of unique importance and meant something to others who knew and loved him or her.
Find hope in these quotes and if you need reach out to a friend or. I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful family. Ask questions and listen.