7You are sending way too many messages.
What mothers think when you don't text back. Dont take it personally when people dont text you back. You shouldnt double text wait a while after your crush texts back and blah blah blah. When one of us fails to respond to a message for hours days even weeks we think nothing of it.
Join in Active discussions Register or sign in Talk Back. Fellow moms in the trenches usually know and understand all of these challenges. So please dont settle until you find a man whose love feels like home.
I do one of three things when you dont text me back within 5min of me sending a message. Premium Active discussions Register or sign in Talk Back. This is just one of the ridiculous things I do.
They take up zero space in the physical world they weigh nothing they dont smell and you can ingest. Have fun and make sure he knows it. If a guy doesnt text you back for days and you dont know what is happening you should know that it is his fault.
Have your say get notified on what matters to you and see fewer ads. They Worry If You Dont Text Them Back. She better be dead.
The only excuse Ill accept is if youre eating guac and dont want to get it on your phone. Some people just hate texting and want to wait till they can call you back. Maybe just maybe you.