Whales are also different from fish because they 3 has have had to swim up to the top of the water 4 by at to take air in every 30 or 40 minutes.
What is the text about whales. Whalers would hunt and kill many large whales for their body parts. There is something almost other-worldly about them. They are even bigger than the largest dinosaur and it is believed that millions of years ago whales probably walked upon land.
Using the maintopics and subtopics provided make your outline more informative by expanding the details with information provided in the text. _____ d Write in English a short text about whales_____ What is your mother like. Mohon di pencet dan zoom.
They look like fish but are warm-blooded mammals that breathe air with their lungs. Whales are sea-living mammals. However and this is crucial.
Here are some extraordinary facts about whales and. The only way they can sleep is by remaining partially conscious. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale which can exceed 30 m in length is the largest animal to have lived on earth.
Whales are the worlds biggest animals. But whales are different from fish because their babies 1 with their mothers and drink their mothers milk 2 a year or more. 02 Every single ocean on Earth is a whale habitat.
4how long a sperm whale can hold its breath. _____ b What do whales eat. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale which can exceed 30 m in length is the largest animal to have lived on earth.